Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan delivered the key note address as one of the speakers in the India Conference 2016 at Harvard Business School of USA.
Known for his commitment to Freedom of speech as guaranteed by the constitution of India took it as the topic of his address in Harvard by his own choice.
The actor spoke how freedom of speech is not automatically guaranteed In a democracy and what the people in a democracy should do to safeguard it.
"Democracy is often touted as being the only bastion for freedom of speech. My opinion is questioned when I tell them Democracy is not the most infallible of political systems.. I cannot deny the fact that only in a democracy can freedom of speech exist Freedom unlike money is not safe once inside a bank locker. It won’t safely accrue to be withdrawn for use in times of dire need. Constant vigil is necessary to safe guard it. That is the reason why I am willingly part of the reform committee In India that is going to recommend a new order of function for the film certification board that surreptitiously tries to censor films and other voices in the name of culture or the state. I am not here to bash democracy or praise communism or socialism I have taken this opportunity to put on record through media and those receptive minds here that we cannot take freedom of speech for granted and complacently think that democracy automatically."
This is the full text of what Kamal Haasan spoke at the Harvard
With freedom of speech you must be ready to say as many things as you need to before you say sorry. That too only when are truly convinced you are, Sorry that is. The choice of the topic “Freedom of speech” was mine. Those who invited me here must also have believed in it . I thank them for allowing me this freedom.
Why did I choose this topic? Why now ? Is it because as a film maker,a free speaker and thinker I feel suddenly concerned about my freedom of speech? Is it any recent untoward or frightening attempt to curb or coerce my speech, through politics or religion? Or both?
My, honest answer? Not really. To be precise, not exactly. I am only voicing my concern which is handed down to me by my ancestors, generations of town criers who care for their lot.
What’s Kamal Haasan's problem? What is ailing him that he chooses to speak on freedom for speech as if it is threatened? That too in a democratic fortress like the United States of America where freedom thrives and freedom of speech more so . You can speak, rap and curse and also use parliamentary language to show off your education . That’s the kind of freedom enjoyed here. Is that freedom of speech? Is that freedom enough?
Hyde park in London, centuries ago allowed somewhat similar freedom. It was called soap box oratory an allowed speaking opportunity. For centuries many could clearly see the oppressing or the opportunistic political hand throughout history however stealthy it moved. From the senate of Rome to modern day senates.
Democracy is often touted as being the only bastion for freedom of speech. My opinion is questioned when I tell them Democracy is not the most infallible of political systems They take umbrage. They see red. Red as my political complexion. Let me confess I am not. I feed myself in this international buffet of political ideologies never committed to one diet like a religion. I think like in food habit, man should remain omnivorous to stay on top of the food chain. I don’t have a religion yet I shamelessly use some rare but finer points from even religion for a better living and harmony. I don't think that either democracy communism or fascism or any other "isms" is going to be the ultimate and final answer for all social maladies. We have in our short 10 thousand year period of time experimented with various combinations. It is work in progress. Our society is work in progress. Some scientists believe that human mind itself is work in progress. So I am unwilling to accept any one political ideology as a settled cure for all our woes. I am always usually sternly informed that I cannot deny the fact that only in a democracy can freedom of speech exist Freedom unlike money is not safe once inside a bank locker . It won’t safely accrue to be withdrawn for use in times of dire need. Constant vigil is necessary to safe guard it. I am part of that large vigilant community that is always on the lookout, for subtle political coercion. That is the reason why I am willingly part of the reform committee In India that is going to recommend a new order of function for the film certification board that surreptitiously tries to censor films and other voices in the name of culture or the state. I am not here to bash democracy or praise communism or socialism I have taken this opportunity to put on record through media and those receptive minds here that we cannot take freedom of speech for granted and complacently think that democracy automatically means freedom of speech. It is only through the offices of democracy that Hitler rose to power. Oh! that was when the world was naive . Not anymore possible some say, Let’s move forward in history and that too Indian political history and you find emergency promulgated and voices silenced in plain sight for the world to see . I am not taking a dig at my own country as a matter of fact I am proud of the kind of democracy we have managed to practice in spite of many attempts to abuse it. India is a younger democracy as compared to the centuries old democracy practiced in UK and the US of A. Yet universal suffrage that is voting rights for all citizens of India came into practice 15 years before it came into practice in a Democracy called America. It was not democracy that allowed freedom of speech and freedom itself but the other way around. It was freedom of speech that sculpted and cultured democracy. Silenced voices rose in harmony masterfully orchestrated by Martin Luther King His blood was the ink that made corrections in the law of this land. America moved into a period of transition after that.
Not only India that world is in transition the world is going to face new challenges find new opportunities. I can almost hope to see borders blur within my lifetime and all will truly and slowly become citizens of the world instead.
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